This page is a candidate for deletion. If you disagree with its deletion, please explain why at Category talkCandidates for deletion or improve the page and remove the {{}} tag.. Remember to check what links here and the page history before deleting.OverviewOther VideosCute Mario Bros. was a Canadian Youtube series created by Tyler Zanon and Kenny Hawksworth since 2006 with various plushies and figures. Theyve been inspired by Super Mario series, Disney, and Dragon Ball Z. The series involves Mario, Luigi, and his friends going on adventures and getting into other antics. The Pilot Episode was released back in 2006 although the first official episode is Find Yoshi, released in 2007. The series has had three movies released in separate parts which are Cute Mar...See more on · Text under CCBYSA license
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Tuesday, December 22, 2020